Why Creative Commons BY-NC-SA?

Sigthsense is licensed for use under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license. The full license terms are to be found at the following location:


There are many decisions to be made when choosing which version of the Creative Commons license to apply.

In this case the two big decisions centred around the Commercial use of the work and how to handle derivative works.

Derivative Works

I really hope those who have skills to improve on my work have the time, resources and motivation to do so. I know the quality of the project and the benefits to users will increase as the community of developers grows. For this reason, I encourage others to make their own versions of both the hardware and the software. When that happens, I want the resulting product to be available to the market under license terms which make it accessible. This is why I chose to allow derivations under ShareAlike conditions: derivatives must be distributed under the same terms as my original work.


Many Sigthsense users will be poor. People who scrape by on the bare minimum. People who work a full day every month just to have candles for their shacks. People who go without food when times are lean. Non-Profit Organisations (NPOs) working in poor communities shouldn’t have to pay for my design. I am offering this work to NPOs royalty-free as my contribution to the well-being of their constituencies.

The intellectual property is the design and software but in many situations, organisations would need to find a manufacturer to build the product. I am happy to recommend several manufacturers that I work with, but I am also happy to liaise with reasonable manufacturing companies to help set up your own local assembly of the system. In either case the parts procurement, manufacturing and payment arrangements will be entirely between the NPO and manufacturer.

What about Commercial Users?

If you are a Commercial entity and you wish to use this design, I am certainly open to discussion. I take the point of view that any company wishing to make a profit from my work should not have a problem with sharing a piece of that profit with me. It was a lot of work and I paid for the development costs personally. If you are a Commercial user please get in touch with me and we can discuss costs, terms, further development or even turnkey manufacturing.

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