About Samuel Ginsberg

Samuel is a passionate designer of electronic devices. He is a fourth-generation engineer and has been wielding a soldering iron since childhood. He graduated from the University of Cape Town (UCT) in 1999 with the degree of BSc Eng (electrical) with first class honours and again in 2001 with an MSc (Eng)

Samuel taught at the University of Cape Town (UCT) for 15 years and designed electronic devices to further an eclectic mix of research interests. Simultaneously he built himself a home laboratory by collecting equipment whenever it became available. Using this facility Samuel designed a wide range of other electronic devices ranging from advertising gimmicks to industrial automation and instrumentation.

During the early months of 2012 Samuel realised that an electronic device might hold the key to reducing shack fires. This was proposed as a research topic to the undergraduate class. Over the following years he supervised no fewer than three undergraduate theses on different aspects of the topic. During the years 2013 to 2016 Samuel designed various hardware and software for use against shack fires. He left UCT in 2017 and started an electronics company with a partner.

In 2019 Samuel re-imagined the shack fire detector as a far more comprehensive safety and convenience device and Sigthsense was born.


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